Diese Arbeit existiert in Form von pdf-Dateien

Preamble.pdf:    Deckblatt, Bibliografische Beschreibung, Referat,
                         Schlagwörter, Contents
Chapter1.pdf:    Introduction
Chapter2.pdf:    Theory
Chapter3.pdf:    Scattering and Extinction of Evanescent Waves by
                         Small Particles
Chapter4.pdf:    Laser-cleaning
Chapter5.pdf:    Optical Properties of Colloidal Aggregates
Chapter6.pdf:    Apertureless Near-field Optical Microscopy
Chapter7.pdf:    Propagation of Femtosecond Light Pulses in Aperture Probes for
                         Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Chapter8.pdf:    Photonic Crystals
Appendix.pdf:   Summary, Outlook, Danksagung, Erjklärung, Thesen, Lebenslauf